
So who is this guy?

I build open source stuff that goes fast, usually involving high speed serial data (hence the domain name) and straddling both sides of the hardware-software interface.

My old blog hasn’t been updated since 2016 but hey, here’s a link if you want to read some ancient history.


(more links coming eventually)

  • Oscilloscope software (ngscopeclient)
  • Oscilloscope probes covering DC to Ku band
  • Ethernet switching
  • Test equipment


  • FPGAs (mostly Xilinx 7 series and UltraScale+ these days)
  • Ethernet (every flavor under the sun)
  • Bare metal no-OS embedded development on Cortex-M or RV32
  • Repairable, efficient, maintainable hardware and software
  • Exotic microarchitectures, non Turing complete accelerators, weird ISAs
  • Open source


  • Software bloat and excessive complexity
  • JavaScript
  • Throwing a Cortex-A running Linux at a problem when a tiny event loop on a STM32 would suffice
  • Massive black-box vendor IPs and peripheral libraries
  • Zynq
  • Python
  • DRM

This is all for fun?

Yep. I void warranties for a living but it’s nice to put stuff together for a change when I’m off the clock.

How do you know how to do all this?

I have a BS and Ph.D in computer science from RPI. If you’re thinking “They don’t teach signal integrity in CS programs” you’re absolutely right. Almost all of my EE skills were acquired through independent study, tinkering, and reading, starting with Forrest Mims books from RadioShack.

Also known as…

  • - my main social account. This is pretty much a brain dump / lab notebook full of whatever I’m working on at the time that I didn’t have time to polish up into a long-form blog post. Most stuff you see on this blog will unfold on my Mastodon first and then I’ll blog when I reach a nice milestone to talk about. It’s also the easiest way to get in touch with me about stuff I’m writing here.
  • azonenberg on IRC, I’m active in #scopehal, ##electronics, ##fpga, and others
  • azonenberg on github
  • I used to be @azonenberg on the bird site but no longer actively use it (I log in and out every few months to keep the handle from being given to someone else, but that’s it). If you message me there I won’t see what you said unless someone tells me.